Welcome to the Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Interest Group page!
At the University of Washington School of Medicine, students have a shared interest group for diagnostic and interventional radiology, as there is so much overlap and combined interest.
Group Leadership:
My Nguyen,
Manal Jmaileh,
Andrew Mullen,
Grant Jacobsen,
DR Chair
Sydney Wong,
Co IR Chair
Aaron W.,
Co IR Chair
Ethan Hua, MD, MS
IR Faculty Mentor
Upcoming Events:
- Virtual Radiology Residency Match Panel Event
- Will be held virtually this Spring (date and time TBD)
- Virtual Radiology Residency Match Panel Event
Past Events:
- Interventional Radiology Zoom and Learn – 10/25/2021
- MSK Zoom and Learn – 5/26/2021
- Recording of the Virtual Radiology Residency Panel Event held on May 27, 2020: https://mediasite.hs.washington.edu/Mediasite/Play/ae2f7cae9c4242e783492f222edad8521d
- Slide Deck from the 9/29/2020 Radiology Lecture on Neuroanatomy and Head CT Click Here to View!
Helpful Resources:
Interested in attending a radiology conference? The UW Department of Radiology has a travel grant program for medical students presenting radiology focused reserach:
Find possible research opportunities here:
Featured Student Cases:
The original RSNA case can be found here:
Interested in finding a mentor and publishing your own case report?
Tell us about it here:
Featured Student Case Archives:
- May 2021
The original RSNA case can be found here:
- February 2021
- November 2020
- October 2020
- September 2020
- August 2020
- July 2020
Case of the Day on Radiopedia
Great case discussions by radiologists around the world

Check out the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology

Free access if you go through your UW NetID login on the HSL website

There are great YouTube channels for Society of Interventional Radiology and Resident, Students and Fellows of SIR
Get Involved:
Contact DIRIG leadership to become a member of the group or if you are interested in leadership opportunities
Join Society of Interventional Radiology as a student to get updates and opportunities for educational materials

Join the Radiological Society of North America RSNA as a student to get updates and opportunities for educational materials

For local connections and information about the annual state meeting, please visit the Washing State Radiologic Society website

UW Advisors have compiled recommendations for applying to radiology — found here
Interested in Diagnostic Radiology residency?
Please reach out to Dr. Ryan P. Joyce, MD.
Interested in Interventional Radiology Integrated residency?
Please reach out the UW advisors — either Dr. Matthew Abad-Santos, or Dr. Jeffrey Chick, to discuss your interests.
To see how you can get first hand experience, click here to view the student rotation opportunities.
For more information on the Interventional Radiology residency at UW, please click here.