UW Radiology

Interventional Radiology Residency

From Our Program Leadership:

Dear prospective applicants, 

Our mission is to provide superb training for residents to become compassionate doctors, valuable consultants, innovative experts, and visionary leaders in the practice of interventional radiology (IR), based on comprehensive procedural experience and excellent periprocedural care in a diverse and respectful environment.

IR represents one of the most dynamic and exciting fields in medicine today. To prepare for this, we offer an outstanding didactic curriculum, a wide range of standard and high-level IR procedures, diverse clinical settings, first-rate mentoring, and world-class research opportunities. We train and educate residents to become:

  • experts in diagnostic medical imaging
  • experts in performing a myriad of  IR procedures in preparation for busy private practices or rigorous academic practices
  • compassionate providers of care who maintain the highest standards of integrity and professionalism in their interactions with patients and their families, support staff, referrers, and colleagues
  • patient advocates who understand the social and economic implications of radiologic examinations and procedures
  • practitioners at the forefront of discovery, teaching, and organizational leadership

Our goal is to recruit applicants who are well rounded, with strong records of achievement and a deep interest in research, quality improvement, teaching, leadership, and community service. We strongly value applicants who come from diverse backgrounds, as we believe this enhances the educational experience for all residents and faculty. This also reflects the broad demographics of the five-state region and, hence, the diverse racial and ethnic populations that all residents will be exposed to while learning to provide culturally responsive care. 

In Seattle, we were one of the first US cities affected by COVID-19. Many aspects of life changed rapidly after February 2020. We are fortunate to work in a well-equipped institution where teamwork and agility allowed for rapid response to this pandemic. UW Medicine offered some of the earliest testing in the country, provided epidemiologic mapping for prediction models used across the world, and is leading by example to evolve a health care system so we can safely care for patients again. We have continued to serve patients during these unique times and modified our IR infrastructure and workflow to keep patients, staff, residents, and faculty safe. 

Thank you for your interest in our program. We look forward to training the next generation of talented vascular and interventional radiologists.

          Matthew Kogut, MD
          Matthew Abad-Santos, MD

Upcoming Interview Dates: (Integrated IR)

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Thursday, December 19,2024

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Thursday, January 16, 2025


Upcoming UWIR Virtual Open House

We will be hosting Virtual open house session on September 23rd at 5:30pm PT. To join please register below. 

RSVP for Virtual Open House


To learn more about our activities and culture, follow us on:

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“The training experience in IR at UW is second to none. Every case and clinical encounter, from the most simple to the complex, is approached in a comprehensive and thoughtful manner. You are truly trained to think and act like a clinical IR from day 1. On top of this the culture is incredibly supportive and nurturing, from the leadership, attendings, all the way to the techs and nurses. The case diversity and unique clinical experiences offered at all 4 hospitals is unbeatable.”

Christopher D. Malone, MD
UW IR Fellow 2018

“I always knew UW IR was a world class training program, but it wasn’t until I graduated that I realized how truly comprehensive and cutting-edge my experience was. The program provides the perfect balance of clinical autonomy and mentorship from leaders in the field. The case diversity is unmatched – from trauma volume spanning 5 states, to complex venous interventions and collaborative PAD work. UW IR provided me with a broad skill set that allows me to take on challenging cases without pause, and I am grateful for the mentorship I have and will continue to receive from this amazing program!”

Arthie Jeyakumar, MD
UW IR Resident 2022

“UW IR’s case volume, case diversity, and commitment to teaching are unquestionably world-class. But the characteristic of this program that I’ve come to value the most is its emphasis on doing the right thing for patients. You’ll often hear our attendings asking “why?” during rounds and cases, encouraging the trainees to think critically about their role in helping individual patients, populations, and the hospital-based healthcare ecosystem. UW IR has prepared me for being a comprehensive proceduralist and clinician, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the breadth and depth of training I’ve received here.” 

Grace Laidlaw, MD, MS
UW IR Resident 2023

  • Matthew Kogut, MD

    Associate Professor of Radiology
    Director, VA Puget Sound IR
    Program Director, Interventional Radiology Residency Programs


  • Matthew Abad-Santos, MD

    Assistant Professor of Radiology
    Associate Program Director, IR Residency Programs


  • Kara Fitzgerald, M.D.- IR Chief Resident

    Integrated IR


Program Administrator 

Marcus Maurer

Phone: 206-598-2094

Email: mjmaurer@uw.edu