UW Radiology

For Medical Students

The University of Washington welcomes medical students to spend time with our IR service. Student rotations take place across three hospitals, including Harborview, UWMC-Montlake, and VA Puget Sound. Our world-class faculty have been involved in the training of medical students from all over the country. 

Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Interest Group

Pre-Clinical Shadowing - MS1/2

Thank you for your interest in interventional radiology. The IR shadowing experience is offered to the University of Washington medical students interested in learning more about IR. We would be glad to have you spend a half-day with us in the University of Washington Medical Center – Montlake IR Angio Suite (7 am to 12 pm). At this time, we are unable to accommodate visiting medical students, undergraduate students, or postbaccalaureate students.

Please address shadowing inquiries to:

Clinical Rotation - MS3/4

Thank you for your interest in IR. Medical students who seek a more in-depth exposure to IR should apply for the Interventional Radiology APC Clerkship (RADGY 684). This rotation counts toward your ‘Advanced Patient Care’ graduation requirements. With UW’s curriculum, you would participate in this clerkship as part of your ‘Explore and Focus’ phase of training (MS4 year.) Please see the ‘Explore and Focus’ website for more information.

We look forward to sharing the learning environment with you, having you interact as a member on our team and working side-by-side with attendings, residents and staff in patient care and procedures. 

This clerkship is very popular and space is limited, so we recommend that you apply early. 

RADGY 684 – Interventional Radiology APC Clerkship

Offered: A, W, Sp, S – 4 weeks (8 credits)

Clerkship Director: Ethan Hua, M.D.,M.S.

Prerequisites: Permission of Clerkship Coordinator and Director based on the application packet (see below)


  • 4-week Advanced Patient Care (APC) clerkship in Vascular and Interventional Radiology
  • Ideal candidates are those strongly considering applying to IR residency
  • A maximum of 1 student per rotation site
  • Up to 3 site options offered, to be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis or by the discretion of the clerkship director
    • UWMC/HMC: 2 weeks at UW Medical Center (Montlake), followed by 2 weeks at Harborview Medical Center
    • HMC/UWMC: 2 weeks at Harborview Medical Center, followed by 2 weeks at UW Medical Center (Montlake)
    • VA: 4 weeks at VA Puget Sound Health Care System
  • To obtain permission to enroll, please send a completed IR Clerkship Application Form, current CV, and one-page letter of interest to:
  • For away rotations: please submit the UW application above and if approved for the clerkship, then apply through the AAMC Visiting Student Learning Opportunity website
  • Grants for Education of Medical Students (GEMS) Program is an initiative by the Society of Interventional Radiology and SIR Foundation to support medical students from diverse backgrounds by providing scholarships to fund visiting clerkships in IR. For more information, please visit: https://www.sirfoundation.org/grants_awards/current-opportunities/gems-program/
  • Ethan W. Hua, MD, MS

    Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiology
    Director, IR Medical Student Clerkship
    Director, HMC IR


Student health related information

The UWSOM supports students’ access to healthcare and strongly encourages them to obtain and maintain health insurance while enrolled at the UWSOM. The consolidated content on the links below has been created by collaboration between students and the UWSOM student affairs to ease of referencing for student related health information. All three sources will be updated centrally by student affairs and the Student Committee on Healthcare Access (SCoHA). If you have questions regarding the content, please reach out to adminsa@uw.edu.

Medical Student Conference Travel Grant

The UW Radiology Department is excited to offer a travel grant to medical students presenting radiology focused research at a national conference.

Grant details:

  • $1000 will be awarded and can be used for any travel or conference related expenses, for example airfare, lodging, or conference registration fees

Applicant criteria:

  • Must be a current University of Washington SOM medical student
  • Abstract must be accepted to a radiology national conference; may include but not limited to a scientific poster, educational exhibit, or oral presentation

How to apply:

  • Submit letter of interest
  • Submit accepted conference abstract
  • Submit resume/curriculum vitae
  • Email all materials to ethanhua@uw.edu

Selection criteria:

  • Demonstrate vision, creativity, quality, and excellence in their research project
  • Winning recipient profile demonstrates a commitment to and a potential career in research

Award recipient requirements:

  • Must attend a national conference
  • Complete pre/post-conference survey
  • Complete written reflection on conference experience
  • Will be invited to present abstract at UW residency research day

Expected timeline:

  • Please apply after your abstract has been accepted to a national conference
  • Applications will be evaluated and awarded on a rolling basis throughout the year
  • Awards are expected to be used within the same academic year

Applications and questions can be emailed to ethanhua@uw.edu