This is classic fat necrosis in a patient who had undergone breast reduction surgery the previous year. Several lucent masses are present in the upper outer and subareolar right breast, some of which are associated with coarse dystrophic calcifications.
Here is another patient who complains of a lump after breast reduction surgery:
Do you need to perform an ultrasound exam?
Yes No
This is classic fat necrosis, just like the last case, but is not yet calcified. Several lucent nodules are present in the upper outer right breast, with surrounding density, consistent with fat necrosis.
Fat Necrosis looks ugly on ultrasound! It can be hypoechoic or mixed echogenicity, well- or poorly defined, and can have a lot of shadowing. The ultrasound pictures just confuse things, and may lead to an unneccessary biopsy, as happened in this case.
Just to give you another example, here is another classic example of fat necrosis: