BI-RADS 0 - Incomplete - Recommend spot compression magnification mammography with possible ultrasound if the mass persists. BI-RADS 1 - Normal BI-RADS 2 - Benign BI-RADS 3 - Probably Benign
BI-RADS 0. Recommend spot magnification mammography to evaluate margins, persistence and possible calcifications
A 7mm round mass is present in the lower inner left breast. One cannot assess whether this mass is ‘benign’ or ‘probably benign’ without first performing a diagnostic work-up.
The mass was not seen by subsequent ultrasound:
Now what is your assessment?
BI-RADS 2 - Benign - Circumscribed mass with no ultrasound correlate. BI-RADS 3 - Probably Benign - Circumscribed mass on baseline mammogram with no ultrasound correlate. BI-RADS 4 - Suspicious
BI-RADS 3, Probably Benign
This mass is round and circumscribed on spot compression magnification views. It is solid (since it was not seen on ultrasound, we know it is not a cyst). This is a baseline mammogram, so there are no comparisons. This is the classic probably benign mass.
What if the patient had prior mammograms? Then the stability of the mass would be known:
he mass is stable: therefore BI-RADS 2, Benign
the mass is new: therefore BI-RADS 4, Suspicious
the mass was present but is now bigger: BI-RADS 4, Suspicious
Thus, ‘Probably Benign’ only applies when there are no comparisons. The purpose of ‘Probably Benign’ is to get an idea of the finding’s stability. A short-interval follow-up in 6 months is performed to establish stability.