UW Radiology
Charles A. Rohrmann, Jr., MD, Endowment for Radiology Resident Educational Excellence

The Endowments also support residents who have been accepted to present their research at national radiology society meetings. Murat Sadic’s participation in the Future Leader Academy at SNMMI provided him with new skills and knowledge as he is now an Acting Instructor for UW Radiology in the Division of Nuclear Medicine, and resident Kevin Chorath continues to develop his network of radiology colleagues as West Coast Representative at ACR.
Our Diversity Visiting Student Program supported three promising medical students this year, and participant Sophie Curie subsequently matched to the UW Radiology Diagnostic Radiology residency!
I now offer my final words of gratitude to all of our UW Radiology family – alumni, faculty, fellows, residents, and staff – for your support and the opportunities you provided to our trainees by continuing to engage as participants in this journey!

Sincerely, Betty Lanman, Assistant to the Chair, UW Radiology