UW Radiology

Past Fellows

Since the inception of our fellowship program, in 1977, we have now trained almost 100 pediatric radiologists. Our alumni practice all over the nation, from right here in Seattle, Washington to small towns in rural Maryland. We are proud of their many accomplishments and wish them continued growth throughout their career.

Sarah Long

Fellow, Body Oncology
UW Radiology
Seattle, Washington

Garvit Khatri

Academic Attending
University of Colorado Hospital
Aurora, Colorado

Alex Gauger

Assistant Professor of Radiology
Seattle Children's Hospital
Seattle, Washington

Deepashri Basavalingu

Academic Fellow
UW Nuclear Medicine
Seattle, Washington

Brian Han

Academic Attending
Children's Health
Dallas, Texas

Narendra Adhikari

Academic Fellow
UW Nuclear Medicine
Seattle, Washington

Dustin Roberie

Tripler Army Medical Center
Mililani, Hawaii

Aki Tanimoto

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, Ohio

Alp Oztek

Assistant Professor of Radiology
Seattle Children's Hospital
Seattle, Washington

Hassan Aboughalia

Fellow, Nuclear Medicine
UW Radiology
Seattle, Washington

Ayesha Nasrullah

University Hospital
Columbia, Missouri

Sakura Noda

Seattle Children's Hospital
Seattle, Washington

Safia Cheeney

Seattle Children's Hospital
Seattle, Washington

Ezekiel Maloney

Seattle Children's Hospital
Seattle, Washington

Priya Pathak

Fellow, Body Oncology
UW Radiology
Seattle, Washington

Erin Romberg

Seattle Children's Hospital
Seattle, Washington

Shakunthala Revannagowda

Resident, Nuclear Medicine
UW Radiology
Seattle, Washington

Elliot Rinzler

Children's Medical Center Dallas
Dallas, Texas

Megan Zare

UCLA Medical Center
Santa Monica, CA

David Ansdell

Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children
Honolulu, Hawaii

Sachin Kumbhar

Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Garland McQuinn

Radia, Inc
Seattle, Washington

Liz Tang

Seattle Children's Hospital
Seattle, Washington

Akshay Baheti

Tata Memorial Centre
Mumbai, India

Jebb Baker

Fellow, Interventional Radiology
Chicago, Illinois

Baocheng (Paul) Chu

Research Scientist
UW Radiology
Seattle, Washington

Natalie Valeur

Kaiser Permanente
Seattle, Washington