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34 year-old with dizzy spells and frequent headaches

CT axial bone windows

CT axial bone windows

CT axial postcontrast soft tissue windows

Axial noncontrast T1

Axial noncontrast T2


Coronal T2 fat sat
CT: Lytic relatively well circumscribed lesion in the petro-clival junction region
MR: High T2 and FLAIR and intermediate T1 signal intensity somewhat heterogeneous
Chordoma, chondrosarcoma, metastasis, atypical cholesterol granuloma
Cholesterol granuloma
The well circumscribed border favors a benign lesion although this case is atypical on MR since these lesions usually show high T1 signal. The pathogenesis is usually related attributed to eustachian tube dysfunction, leading to mucosal edema and chronic hemorrhage. The encapsulated blood products undergo degeneration and provoke a chronic inflammatory response.
Submitted by John Rhee, MD, UW Neuroradiology Fellow