MR Basic Safety Training
Everyone associated with the MR scanner needs to understand and follow basic safety procedures. This training module has been prepared to provide you with the information you will need to complete the Basic Safety certification process.
Intro/Overview |
Safety Video |
BMIC Tour |
Emergency Procedure |
Certification |
Introduction & Overview
There are five steps in this training module. Please plan to work your way through each step — one after another. — until you have completed them all.
This training module is designed to explain
-How MR technology works,
-Why it can be dangerous, and
-How you can keep yourself and others safe.
Safety Video
As you watch this video, be sure you can answer these questions:
-When is the magnet on?
-What are the potential hazards?
-What items should never be taken in the magnet room?
-Which objects should be tested before being taken in the magnet room?
-What devices are contraindicative for MRI?
-What must be done in the event of a magnet quench?
Click here to start the Safety Video. When it has completed — close the media window(s) and return to this page.
Then review the questions to make sure you can answer each one.
The MR lab has several rooms. Each of these has been assigned to a specific “zone”. Access to some of these zones is highly restricted.
Therefore it is important that you:
-are aware of the zone designation for each room and
-understand the restrictions associated with that zone.
Emergency Procedures
Though we try to avoid emergencies, we must assume that they might occur. If an emergency situation were to develop, all personnel who are in the BMIC need to understand how they should respond.
Click here for a discussion of these issues.
If you have read and watched all training document and videos, Congratulations — You have completed the training.
Now you can begin the certification process .
- Carefully review the “Medical Safety” form to determine that you are medically safe. As you now know, this is a very important part of the safety assurance process and only you can know if you have objects in your body that would make it dangerous for you to enter the magnet room. Please fill out and save the Medical Safety form. It will be needed in a subsequent step.
- Please email BMIC ( once your safety training is complete.