Radiology Personnel
Sarah V. Miles, PA-C
Interventional Radiology
Teaching Associate of Radiology
IR Contact Information
Scheduling Phone: 206-598-6209Scheduling Fax: 206-598-3581
Sarah V. Miles, PA-C is a Teaching Associate in the Department of Radiology, Division of Interventional Radiology. She is a board-certified Physician Assistant (PA-C) and practices at our Montlake Campus and at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center.
Since completing her Master of Clinical Health Services (MCHS) degree at the University of Washington MEDEX program in 2013, Sarah has pursued a diverse clinical practice including surgical and robotic surgical assisting with a broad range of experience performing procedures in the Urologic and Interventional Radiology settings. She is committed to continuing her education, in both professional and personal growth, and to provide high-quality, patient-centered care.
MCHS, Clinical Health Services/PA Program, Univ. of Washington/MEDEX Northwest (Seattle) – 2013
B.S., Behavioral Science & Health, University of Utah (Salt Lake City) – 2009