Radiology Personnel
Robert Miyaoka, PhD
Nuclear Medicine, Research
Research Professor of Radiology
Director of Small Animal PET Imaging
Director of SPECT/CT Physics
Imaging Research Lab
Metabolic Spectroscopy Laboratory
Dr. Robert Miyaoka is a Research Associate Professor in the University of Washington Department of Radiology. Much of his research has focus on the design, development and optimization of nuclear medicine instrumentation systems. His current research efforts are focused on the development of ultra-high resolution PET detector designs and incorporating them into preclinical imaging systems. Detectors developed in his laboratory include the micro-crystal element (MiCE) detector, the continuous miniature crystal element detector (cMiCE), and detectors that can provide depth of interaction information. In addition, he is developing PET detectors and electronics that can operate in high magnetic fields for a combined PET/MR imaging system.
Awards and Honors
- Distinguished Investigator, June 01, 2019
Recent Publications (via Semantic Scholar)
A. Lehnert, R. Miyaoka - Published 2023 - PET CLINICS
Timing, Energy, and Spatial Characterization of Highly Sampled Monolithic PET Detectors With Different Thicknesses
C. Valladares, J. Barrio, M. Freire, et al. - Published 2023 - IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RADIATION AND PLASMA MEDICAL SCIENCES
Glypican-3 targeted positron emission tomography detects sub-centimeter tumors in a xenograft model of hepatocellular carcinoma
K. Labadie, A. Lehnert, Aimee L. Kenoyer, et al. - Published 2023 - EJNMMI RESEARCH
An Online Repository for Pre-Clinical Imaging Protocols (PIPs)
S. Gammon, Allison S. Cohen, A. Lehnert, et al. - Published 2023 - TOMOGRAPHY
Radiation and immune checkpoint inhibitor-mediated pneumonitis risk stratification in patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer: role of functional lung radiomics?
H. Thomas, D. Hippe, Parisa Forouzannezhad, et al. - Published 2022 - DISCOVER ONCOLOGY
Evolution of PET Detectors and Event Positioning Algorithms Using Monolithic Scintillation Crystals
A. Gonzalez-Montoro, Antonio J. González, S. Pourashraf, et al. - Published 2021 - IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RADIATION AND PLASMA MEDICAL SCIENCES
Optimization of a Hybrid PET (HyPET) Detector for Prostate Cancer Imaging
R. Miyaoka, William Hunter, L. Pierce, et al. - Published 2021 - NUCLEAR SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM AND MEDICAL IMAGING CONFERENCE
Prognostic Value and Peripheral Immunologic Correlates of Early FDG PET Response Imaging in a Phase II Trial of Risk-Adaptive Chemoradiation for Unresectable NSCLC.
Prognostic value of early FDG PET response imaging and peripheral immunologic biomarkers: sub-study of a phase II trial of risk-adaptive chemoradiation for unresectable non-small cell lung cancer
S. Bowen, D. Hippe, H. Thomas, et al. - Published 2021 - ADVANCES IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY
Glypican-3 targeted delivery of 89Zr and 90Y as a theranostic radionuclide platform for hepatocellular carcinoma
K. Labadie, A. Ludwig, A. Lehnert, et al. - Published 2021 - SCIENTIFIC REPORTS