Radiology Personnel

Zoya Bauer, MD, PhD

Research Scientist


Dr.  Bauer is a senior Research Scientist with specialized training in public health and health services research.  She is the Operational Center Director for the Comparative Effectiveness, Cost and Outcomes Research Center (CECORC).  Dr. Bauer has been working with Dr. Jarvik and the CECORC team for nearly a decade. Dr. Bauer has extensive experience with observational studies and clinical trials. She was the project director of the Back pain Outcomes using Longitudinal Data (BOLD) project, a $10 million project funded by AHRQ to investigate diagnostic and therapeutic interventions in seniors with low back pain and a large, multicenter double-blind comparative effectiveness trial of epidural steroid injections (ESI) for spinal stenosis- the Lumbar Epidural Spinal Stenosis (LESS) study. She has been managing projects funded by NIH, AHRQ, PCORI as well as other research societies and foundations.