UW Radiology highlights Breast Cancer Awareness Month
For nearly 50 years, October has been recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Our UW Radiology breast imaging faculty have been busy with educational outreach on breast cancer and the importance of early detection and access to timely, high quality care, as evidenced below.
- Professor and Vice Chair of Clinical Operations Habib Rahbar, MD, FSBI, was interviewed on breast tissue density by The Guardian in the article “‘My cancer was not in those pictures’: How breast density affects mammograms.”
- Professor and Fred Hutch Cancer Center (FHCC) Director of Breast Imaging Janie Lee, MD, MSc., provided written commentary for NW Asian Weekly in the article “Rising breast cancer rates among Asian women call for increased awareness and action.”
- Associate Professor of Radiology Kathryn Lowry, MD, was interviewed by Christine Pae of King 5 News on October 11th in the video More AAPI Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer: HealthLink
- Associate Professor of Radiology and FHCC Clinical Director of Breast Imaging Brian Dontchos, MD, was interviewed by the Associated Press in the article “Mammogram centers must now inform women about their breast density. Here’s how it could affect you.” Dr. Dontchos was also quoted in the PatientPower article “Suspicious Mammogram: What Happens Next?”

Dr. Christoph Lee and Jerry Lee of MG2 Foundation and Fred Hutch Philanthropy team
Funding Award
- Congratulations to Professor Christoph Lee, MD, MS, MBA, whose breast cancer research program is the recipient of funds raised from the MG2 Foundation’s 2024 “Swing for the Cure” Charity Golf Tournament.
Speaking Engagements
- Associate Professor of Radiology and UWMC-NWH Clinical Director of Breast Imaging Diana Lam, MD, spoke at SAP’s cancer outreach event on Thursday, October 17th on Breast Cancer Screening Updates, Expectations, and Risk Reduction.
- Assistant Professor of Radiology Marissa Lawson, MD, spoke at Cierra Sisters World Mammography Day, Saturday, October 19th.