Sana Parsian, MD Awarded RSNA 2017 Research Fellow Grant

Congratulations to Sana Parsian, MD (incoming 2017/18 Breast Imaging Acting Instructor/Senior Fellow) for being awarded an RSNA 2017 Research Fellow Grant.

Dr. Sana Parsian, MD, with scientific advisors Habib Rahbar, MD, and Savannah Partridge, PhD, will use this one-year award to investigate the biological basis for normal breast tissue background parenchymal enhancement, or BPE. They will also study whether BPE can be used to identify which women will benefit the most from chemoprevention with selective estrogen receptor modulators. If successful, their work could lead the way to using MRI to better identify women at highest risk for breast cancer and develop targeted chemoprevention approaches to reduce their risk.

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