March RadioGraphics cover features article by faculty, trainees and alumni
The March cover of the journal RadioGraphics features images from an article written by UW Radiology faculty, trainees and alumni.
The article, “Fluoroscopic Evaluation of Duodenal Diseases,” was authored by Lisa Johnson, M.D., Shamus Moran, M.D., Puneet Bhargava, M.D., F.S.A.R., Jonathan Revels, D.O., Mariam Moshiri, M.D., Charles Rohrmann, M.D., and Bahar Mansoori, M.D.
The article was published online February 18, 2022, and published in print March 2022.
To read the featured article, visit the RadioGraphics website.

Dr. Bahar Mansoori with RadioGraphics Deputy Editor Dr. Christine (Cooky) O. Menias