Janie Lee, M.D., contributes to UW Medicine article on why Black women need breast cancer screenings

Janie Lee, M.D., contributed to an article published in UW Medicine’s online wellness journal Right as Rain on why more Black women need breast cancer screening.

“Black women are diagnosed with breast cancer about four years earlier than white women, around age 59 versus 63,” Dr. Lee said. “Twenty-two percent of breast cancers in Black women are triple negative, compared to 10-12% of women in other races. If you’re a Black woman, getting your screening mammogram could be crucial to catching an early breast cancer and treating it.”

“Screening is a part of a program of self-care and wellness,” she said. “It’s a way of helping women stay healthy by finding a cancer when it’s early, and before symptoms develop if the cancer is present.” 

Read the full article here.

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