UW Radiology

Upcoming Promotions Workshops – 9/13 and 11/7

There are two upcoming promotions-related workshops given by the UW School of Medicine Faculty Affairs:

Preparing for Your Promotion from Assistant to Associate Professor
September 13 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am

This workshop offers an overview of promotions and the promotion process for faculty in the School of Medicine, as well as tips from recently promoted faculty. It is relevant for physician scientists, clinician teachers and basic scientists. This program does not cover the promotion process for clinical faculty with annual appointments as this is department specific, but all faculty are welcome to attend.

More info here

Mid-Career Faculty: You Got Promoted to Associate Professor, Now What?
November 7 from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

This workshop is geared toward mid-career faculty who are interested in career advancement, and promotion from associate to full professor. There is practical advice about making five- and ten-year plans, how to be a mentor, and steps to promotion. You will also hear from a panel of recently promoted faculty.

More info here