Radiology Personnel
Jalal Andre, MD
Associate Professor of Radiology
Dr. Andre is director of neurological MRI and MRI safety officer at Harborview Medical Center and a UW associate professor of radiology, with expertise in neuroradiology.
Dr. Andre’s research interests include the clinical application of advanced MRI techniques in assessing brain vessel abnormalities and traumatic brain injury. Specifically, Dr. Andre’s focus involves measuring brain perfusion (blood flow) using arterial spin labeling, an MRI technique that can non-invasively measure blood delivery to the brain and requires no IV, injectable substance or radiation.
Dr. Andre’s on-going clinical research is using this technique to better understand vasospasm, a type of temporary vessel narrowing that can occur in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (a brain bleed). Similarly, Dr. Andre is also exploring the application of this non-invasive technique to evaluate sports-related traumatic brain injury in adolescents.
Dr. Andre earned his bachelor’s degree in biochemistry from the University of California at Riverside and his MD from Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia, PA. He completed an internship at Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia. After four years of residency training in diagnostic radiology at Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch, NJ., Dr. Andre completed two years of fellowship training in neuroradiology at Stanford University. Dr. Andre has been on faculty at UW since August 2011 and is board certified in radiology. He also possesses a certificate of additional qualification in neuroradiology and is a delegate of the American Board of Radiology.
Awards and Honors
- RSNA Research Scholar Grant, December 22, 2016
Recent Publications (via Semantic Scholar)
M. Hoff, Q. Xiang, N. Cross, et al. - Published 2022 - MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE
Patient-specific computational fluid dynamic simulation of cerebrospinal fluid flow in the intracranial space
P. Fillingham, Swati Rane Levendovszky, J. Andre, et al. - Published 2022 - BRAIN RESEARCH
Spiral T1 Spin-Echo for Routine Postcontrast Brain MRI Exams: A Multicenter Multireader Clinical Evaluation
M. Ooi, Z. Li, R. Robison, et al. - Published 2020 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEURORADIOLOGY
Prevalence and Financial Impact of Claustrophobia, Anxiety, Patient Motion, and Other Patient Events in Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
X. V. Nguyen, Sana Tahir, B. Bresnahan, et al. - Published 2020 - TOPICS IN MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING : TMRI
Evaluating angioarchitectural characteristics of glial and metastatic brain tumors with conventional magnetic resonance imaging
I. J. Abecassis, Benjamin Cordy, S. Durfy, et al. - Published 2020 - JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE
Correction of Motion Artifacts Using a Multiscale Fully Convolutional Neural Network
K. Sommer, A. Saalbach, T. Brosch, et al. - Published 2020 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEURORADIOLOGY
Comparison of T2*GRE and DSC-PWI for hemorrhage detection in acute ischemic stroke patients: Pooled analysis of the EPITHET, DEFUSE 2, and SENSE 3 stroke studies
Longitudinal neuroimaging following combat concussion: sub-acute, 1 year and 5 years post-injury
C. M. Mac Donald, J. Barber, J. Andre, et al. - Published 2019 - BRAIN COMMUNICATIONS
Optimal Fat Suppression in Head and Neck MRI: Comparison of Multipoint Dixon with 2 Different Fat-Suppression Techniques, Spectral Presaturation and Inversion Recovery, and STIR
S. Gaddikeri, M. Mossa-Basha, J. Andre, et al. - Published 2018 - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEURORADIOLOGY
5-Year imaging sequelae of concussive blast injury and relation to early clinical outcome
C. M. Mac Donald, J. Barber, J. Andre, et al. - Published 2017 - NEUROIMAGE: CLINICAL